Bible Verses for Sunday Service June 12, 2022
John 14:6
Isaiah 43:1
But now thus says the Lord,
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name, you are mine.
VBS is over and what a success it was! A good time was had by all, staff, helpers and children. Children learned about Australia, its unique animals and places, but with an emphasis on the value of life, how each person is created in God’s image. As usual for VBS, an offering was taken each day, the girls and boys competing against each other. That competition resulted in $329 for the Children’s Hunger Fund. Pastor asked anyone who help to stand for recognition today. Only some of the 15 adults and 6 teens were here. But, we thank them all.
Next Sunday is Father’s Day and so the church will be honoring dads, but not with flowers as Steve suggested. Also, for future events, Pastor scheduled a Deacons’ meeting on Thursday, June 23rd at 7PM.
Don’t forget the continuing La Vie Baby Bottle campaign- “Change for Hope.” Place your gift in the bottle in the foyer or make a donation online. With Summer comes the Bible based camps offered to youth every summer.
In the foyer, you will find information regarding two camp at the Black Hills Baptist Camp. Junior Camp, 4th to 7th grade is July 18-23 while Senior Camp for 8th through 12th grade. The camp is located in the Black Hills a few miles east of Four Corners, WY. Please review if interested and let Pastor know. The church has Bible Camp scholarships available.
We enjoyed a VBS slide show that covered the events and activities. It was a real blessing to see so many happy faces, the children and the workers and staff. I am going to see if I can get the slide show and put it on the site here. Watch this space!
Today Pastor concluded his series on the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ proclamation of the arrival of the Kingdom of God with a message titled “A Solid Foundation for Coming Storms ” on Matthew 7:24-29 where Jesus having instructed the crowd on the Kingdom, and warned them about choosing well now warns on the consequences of choosing well and choosing badly. Pastor elucidated these verses by reminding us that Jesus was a master of using every day meaningful illustrations that he turned into parables. In these closing verses, Pastor went over building two houses, something Jesus the master carpenter would have known a lot about.
Firstly, Pastor preached on the picture presented by the parable in these verses, two house built with differing foundations. He also asked us to consider a parallel verse in Luke, where the wise man dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock (Luke 6:48). While the houses are built differently, Pastor pointed out that they face the same storm, but undergo opposite results.
Having looked at the story, Pastor went over the principles, firstly that the way of wisdom is through obedience to Christ. This concept comes from the old testament, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 111:10). But, we can face any storm with the right foundations, including the storms in this life, and God’s judgment to come. What we experience as the results of our choice, which if we are doing well is based on the authority of Christ.
In conclusion, Pastor asked us to consider what the Lord is saying to you today. Are there areas of disobedience in our lives that need submitted to his authority? If so, please bring them under this authority. So you can build your house on the solid rock of Christ.
Accessing the Service, Bulletin and Sermon Outline:
Here are the pages from the bulletin, click on the images below to see them full size:
If you would like to have the sermon outline, you can download it here, a pdf file.
Here is a video record of the service on Rumble, an alternative to YouTube.
If you would like a link to this service you can find it here. Perhaps you would like to share it with your friends. You could also share that link on social media, if you use any of the providers.
Lastly, if you would like to see all the services, you can find them here.