Bible Verse for Sunday Service March 10, 2024
Isaiah 41:10
fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
After church today, we will have choir practice. Please meet up by the piano to practice for the upcoming Easter Special.
On March 23, we will once again host the AWANA Grand Prix, which is a fun day of racing cars that the Awana kids make. Beside being fun, it is a great outreach to families, and a good opportunity for involving parents in a project with their children. We run the races in the morning and serve lunch as noon. Please volunteer to help set up the track, run the race, and serve lunch. Let us know if you can help. Car kits are available for $10 each. Any child, attendees at Awana or not, may participate.
We are also hosting a Grand Prix test and tune on the Friday before the Grand Prix between 4 and 6PM. If you plan to race, we encourage you to come in and have your car weighed and “tuned up” for the big race.
Join us for Easter Breakfast on March 31st and we will celebrate the resurrection. Please invite your family and friends. If you decide to come, please sign up and let us know how many are coming, and what food you can bring.
We are beginning preparations for Summer VBS on June 10-14. Mark you calendars and let Natasha know if you can help. We also encourage pray about this ministry. Prayer requests are listed on the bulletin board to let you know specific ways to be praying.
Pastor Jim spoke to us today about Hebrews 11:23 and Exodus 2:1-10 on the birth of Moses in a sermon called “Courageous Parents.” In this sermon, Pastor analyzed Mose’s parents actions, and what made them courageous. To introduce this, Pastor opened with an anecdote about a father shopping with his child, and reminded us that being a parent is not for the fainthearted today. But, what would it look like for a slave in Egypt at the time of Mose’s birth? Such parents would need courage, courage and the faith to disobey their rulers and obey God. Pastor then explored this in two points.
Firstly Pastor pointed out that courage comes to us when we see as God sees. In the case of Moses, his parents saw the threats to Moses as God would, and hid the child to preserve him from death. His parents saw him as a heritage from God, a person who was fearfully and wonderfully made. Hebrews refers to him as special, but uses that word in the sense of favored by God. Seeing their child that way this powered them to disobey the powers who wanted to put him to death, surrendering him to them. Instead, they hid him in the reeds in the river.
Besides courage coming from seeing as God sees, Pastor also stated that courage comes when we trust God’s working. In this case, God organized Moses to be found by the right people and enabled his mother to be able to feed him even though he was in the care of the Egyptian authorities, Pharaoh’s daughter. In this arrangement, we have our part, doing all we can as we understand it to provide the process. And there is God’s part too. He provides those circumstances that we perhaps think are unlikely to occur. But, we view as providential. Also, God has the power to protect, and did so here, protecting Moses so he would grow up to be His servant.
Let’s have faith in God’s power to act providentially in our circumstances, trust Him and bring everything to Him in prayer.
Accessing the Service, Bulletin and Sermon Outline:
Here are the pages from the bulletin, click on the images below to see them full size:
If you would like to have the sermon outline, you can download it here, a pdf file.
If you would like a link to this service you can find it here. Perhaps you would like to share it with your friends. You could also share that link on social media, if you use any of the providers. We use Rumble, a safe alternative to Google’s YouTube.