Bible Verse for Sunday Service March 31, 2024
Luke 24:34
saying, “The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!”
Awana Awards night is April 3 at 6:30PM, which completes our Awana year. We recognize and award the children who have been participating. We also want to express our appreciation and thanks to the leaders who have given of their time. All believe in this important means of ministry to our children and youth.
Jim Rooney will preach next Sunday as the Millers will be visiting family in Alaska.
On the occasion of the 50th wedding anniversary of Dan and Paula Weschenfelder, the family have invited us to an open house to celebrate this occasion with an open house. Please come to the church on April 14 between 1 and 3 pm.
Our ladies will have a fellowship luncheon on Saturday, April 27. Come out and enjoy a time of getting together for fellowship and encouragement.
We invite you to participate in a fundraiser for Jackson Dierenfield on April 13. Details are posted on the foyer bulletin board. Jackson is a young boy who is a friend of the Roncelli’s. Jackson is going through treatment for cancer.
In honor of Easter, we were blessed with two specials that bookended the service. The choir to start and the Suttons to finish:
Shepherd Bible Church Choir March 31, 24 “I Serve A Risen Savior”
In honor of Easter, the whole choir started our service today with the hymn I Serve A Risen Savior, which of course of is true on Easter and every day. This wonderful hymn was written both words and music by Alfred Ackley who died in 1960. He was a prolific hymn writer, with over 1500 hymns. However, I serve a risen savior was his most popular. You can see this video on Rumble, or watch it below:
Shepherd Bible Church: Jimmy & Sharon Sutton March 31, 24 “I’ve Got a Feeling”
To help the congregation enjoy in Easter in a festive way, the Suttons closed out the service and sent us on our way for Easter and the week with a “toe tapper,” a song by Walt Mills, I’ve Got a Feeling. He recently passed away after a successful and God glorifying life as minister and gospel singer. What a way to close the service! Again, you can see this on Rumble, or watch it below:
Today, Pastor Jim spoke to us on Revelation 1:4-18 in a sermon titled “The Risen and Glorified Son.” In this sermon, he covered Jesus’ greeting to the seven churches and the vision of Son of Man as reported by John in his vision. John gives us another picture of the glorified Jesus. In this scripture, Pastor chose to focus on two aspect of His glory, the revelation of it and the response to it.
In covering the revelation of the glorified Son, Pastor first looked how His glory affirmed His witness. Up until the last of his life on earth, he had witnessed to all who would listen. But in his death he also witnessed to those present. His resurrection continued this witness. He had stated he would rise again, and that he was the Son of God. Both these are proved true in the resurrection. He also affirmed His authority. He took the keys, so to speak, of death from Satan and illustrates the first born of glory. John also talks about His power over all creation. Under this heading, John also affirms Jesus’ mission, that of washing us in His blood to make us clean of our sins. John describes it as making us priests, and having access to the Kingdom of God.
Besides providing a revelation of the glorified Son, John’s vision also described a response to Him. Pictured in Revelation is a future time in which all who rebelled against Him are judged. While those who commit to him fall down in His presence. Based on scripture, this seems to be a common occurrence to those who see Jesus as Himself as we was and is now.
Thinking about all of this, Pastor asked us to remember to honor Jesus today. Rather than focus on our disabilities and problems, let’s focus on what Jesus has achieved, and what waits for us in Heaven.
Accessing the Service, Bulletin and Sermon Outline:
Here are the pages from the bulletin, click on the images below to see them full size:
If you would like to have the sermon outline, you can download it here, a pdf file.
If you would like a link to this service you can find it here. Perhaps you would like to share it with your friends. You could also share that link on social media, if you use any of the providers. We use Rumble, a safe alternative to Google’s YouTube.